"Tips: How to be a Photographer..."

English : TIPS TO BE A PHOTOGRAPHER style FFI Photography
1. Must have a camera (digital camera, DSLR, SLR)
2. The camera was purchased not for playing games, but intend of hearts make so true Photographer
3. After the intention collected, begin opening / reading an article about Photography
4. Take pictures are free according to the theme / wishes of your own soul
5. then publish your results on social networks
6. follow the advice and listen to their comments, not be taken lightly
7. Keep learning with more detail as Tools in cameras and camera accessories use 

good luck:-)

Indonesia :  TIPS MENJADI PHOTOGRAPHER ala F.F.I Photography

1. Harus memiliki kamera (kamera digital, DSLR, SLR)
2. Kamera dibeli bukan buat main-main, tetapi niatkan dari hati buat jadi Photographer sejati
3. Setelah niat terkumpul, mulailah membuka / membaca artikel seputar Photography
4. Ambilah gambar bebas sesuai tema / keinginan dari jiwa anda sendiri
5. kemudian publikasikan hasil anda di jejaring sosial
6. ikuti saran dan dengarkan komentar mereka, jangan dianggap sepele
7. Teruslah belajar dengan lebih detail seperti Tools pada kamera dan penggunaan aksesoris kamera

selamat mencoba :-)
